★ShizueBluePower!: December 2010

December 7, 2010

Shizue Asahi - Chap 1: "Memories"

I was in a garden surrounded by flowers. There was only good thoughts in my mind. I was a kid again. I smelt the perfume of flowers and only saw a rainbow of colors around me.

"Shizue!" a voice called to me.

I turned to see who it was; it was Uchiha Reicheru. Rei was smiling and running towards me. Her smile filled me with happiness and gave me great peace...


Suddenly I heard an alarm. I opened my eyes and found myself in my room lying on my soft bed next to the window. It was just a dream, a beautiful dream. It brought back beautiful moments from my childhood. I was a bit sad to realize I was no longer that little girl. Things were different now.

"Oh no! It's today!" I recalled. Today was my first day of classes at the Ninja Academy and I was late.

I combed my hair and got dressed quickly, running to the front door. When I opened it, Shiomi Daizuke was there, waiting for me.

"Finally...," he said.

"Sorry, I fell asleep. Hehe~!"

"Let's go," he replied with a smile.

As we walked through the village of Konoha, I looked at Daizuke and remembered when we were kids. He was one of the few people who dared to speak to me, so he became my best friend.

I sat crying under a tree from the harshness of my father's words. He was the leader of our clan, A.S.A.H.I., and as I was his daughter, I would be his successor. I had heard that my dad always wanted a son and my birth had been a disappointment. I always looked for the approval of my father, but nothing I did was good enough.

A loud noise awakened me from my thoughts. It sounded as though a tree had fallen. I hid behind some bushes to see what it was - it was a child with blond hair and brown eyes. He stood in front of a fallen tree; its trunk was split in the middle, seeming to be the work of an ax or a saw. I did not understand what had happened until I saw the boy's hands - they were injured, especially his knuckles.

"How could he bring down that tree?! He must have great strength," I whispered to myself.

"Hah! I finally got it," said the blonde boy, "I have to show it to Akio-!"

At that moment I realized Akio was in the village and his address was made to me. I jumped from my place and stepped back, causing the rustling of a leaves under my foot. The blonde boy turned.

"Who's there?" he demanded - and approached me. I wanted to run but I tripped and scrapped my right leg. He stood in front of me and smiled. "What is your name?" he asked. I was in silence for a few seconds before replying.

"I am... Shizue. Shizue Asahi."

December 1, 2010

Shizue Asahi - Cap 4: "Una vista inesperada"

Después de unos meses, ya había conocido técnicamente a toda la aldea. No solo conocí nuevos amigos, también me he encontrado con mi vieja amiga de la infancia, Rei. Habíamos dejado de ser amigas hace mucho. Ella era mitad A.S.A.H.I. y Uchiha, el cual era una clan muy odiado por nosotros desde hace mucho años. Ella prefirió seguir a los Uchihas antes que estar con nosotros, y desde entonces no hablamos más. Y desde que no reencontramos no paramos de discutir y competir una con otra.

Un día, mientras hablaba con Kiba, escuche a unas personas decir que otros A.S.A.H.I.s habían venido. Me imaginé que se trataba de mi padre que intentaba convencerme de volver pero de ninguna manera lo haría. Sin decirle nada a Kiba, olvidándolo por completo, me levanté y me dirigí hacia la entrada donde había mucha gente amontonada. Trate de pasar empujando: "Con Permiso", "Ay perdón", "¿Puedo pasar?"…
Al llegar al centro, me di cuenta que no se trataba de mi papa sino de Daizuke y Akio. Me dio mucha alegría verlos de vuelta. A Daizuke lo abrasé súper fuerte hasta dejarlo sin aire. Lo presenté con mis nuevos amigos y fuimos todos a comer un Ramen para celebrar.
No sé porque pero me daba la sensación a Kiba no le caía muy bien Daizuke. Siempre lo miraba con mala cara y le hacía malo comentarios indirectamente. Por ahí le di demasiada atención a Daizuke y eso le molesto un poco. Akio siempre estaba en otro canal, la mayor parte del tiempo tratando de seducir chicas, pero la mayoría de las veces sus técnicas no eran efectivas.
A pasar de sus peleas creo que éramos un buen grupo de amigos y la pasábamos bien unidos.